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2009 Birthday..

A friend asked me on Sunday, what is your birthday resolution for this year? I paused for a while and said.. err.. nothing in particular I told her. What is my resolution? Its for me to know and you to find out.. :) 

Here is what happened for my birthday this year:

1) Care group surprised BBQ Party 

2) Dinner treat at Sudu, KL Hilton (no photos as I was too busy eating!)

3) Lunch Treat @ Cristang Restaurant with my favourite girls

4) Birthday Makan Trip to Ipoh 

5) Birthday Present from Auntie Lai Ying - Bracelet 

6) Birthday present from Bernard & Su Lin - Necklace 

7) Birthday Present from my Chee Muis - hand rest 

8) Present from Anna - ear phones

9) Present from my dear sister - Golla Laptop Backpack
10) Present from Aunty Jennifer - Home made cookies & blueberry cheese tarts
(I finished everything before I could take photos of it.. hahaha)

11) Many many Birthday SMS, FB & Phone calls wishes

Reflecting to the events that happened, I felt very blessed. To have friends that care, and remembered my birthday! Thank you everyone for your thoughts. Love you all!