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My Trip Back to Kulai In December 2009

Map of Johor, for those who don't know where Kulai is. 

I took a few days off in December to go back to hometown in conjunction to the long weekend and my grandmother's 83 birthday dinner. I've invited a friend of my to follow me since she's on a long break and wanted to relax by doing nothing. 

It was indeed a great break, just relaxing, and going around eating! 

We went to Skudai one of the day to meet one of my auntie and cousins who  stay there for breakfast then ended up shopping at the newly open Jusco, Bukit Indah. The layout of the place is quite nice, but not many shops to shop in. As we were leaving the place, I saw Christmas decoration made of eggs carton to promote recycling which I thought it was cool and creative. 

My grandma's birthday celebration was done buffet style, easier for everyone, don't have to be seated or wait for everyone in order to eat. The food was catered by our restaurant Yat Siong Teng, we had our buffet party upstairs. 

Food being served:
This is my favourite, fried pumpkin chips coated with salted egg!
Grandma's signature dish, Hakka Fried Pork
On the left is my little niece, but my right are my young cousins! 

Needless to say, my grandma was very happy. His brother came to visit him, and many other relatives that have not seen (some I don't even know who they are) also came to visit her. Happy Birthday Po Po.. 

My Aunt invited us over for lunch on Sunday, yea.. eating again. She is my dad's eldest sis who is a great cook, and my other aunt who is also a great cook is my mom's eldest sis. I guess being the eldest, u need to be a good cook? 

We had a simple yet delicious lunch. She cooked white radish soup, roast pork, yong tau fu, yong dan (egg), and veg. 

how the filling is wrap in the egg, takes time to do.. 

I also visited our branch church in JB for their Sunday's evening service. There to check out the premise and visit my friend there. I used my cousin's GPS to get there as I am not familiar with the place. The service was quite small, and is the first time I hear my friend preach. 

My friend enjoyed herself very much, and made some new friends too (my niece and nephew!) I miss my hometown after writing about it. No fear! I will be back during CNY! :)